Garlic scapes - preserving and enjoying
I am finally self sustaining with garlic. Three years ago I planted my first garlic bulbils, the little tiny bulbs that grow from the flower stalk, and last fall that first batch was planted to make this years harvestable garlic.
With 3 years of garlic stages in the garden, I have a lot of scapes this year. A whole bushel full in fact.
The first thing I do is freeze them. I freeze some in short lengths to be blended into sauces. I break off the woody ends, just as you would do with asparagus - bend the end and if there is any tough end it will break off at that point. I also remove the blossoms.
Most gets chopped finely and frozen in small blobs. I use the whole scapes for this.
Then the blobs can be used in sauce, on pasta, into a scape pesto, or anything else where you want a mild garlic flavour with no effort.
For fresh use, I tried grilling them this year. I brushed olive oil and kosher salt on them and barbecued them on a grilling pan. They have a texture similar to asparagus, with a mild garlic flavour - delicious!
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