Delicious chili recipe with tons of goodness

I love chili - but it's a recent addition to my cooking repertoire.  I like to throw in extra goodness whenever I can and it's a good way to empty the freezer as well.

Today's chili includes:

Ground turkey (from one I raised last year)
Trotter gear (look it up - I made and froze my own to add to meals - adds great taste and texture and very nutritious)
Kidney beans (from the garden last year)
Frozen shredded zucchini (ditto)
Frozen cooked pumpkin (ditto)
Frozen kale and chard (ditto)
Tomato sauce (ditto)
Tomato paste (ditto)
Frozen puréed garlic scapes (ditto)
Onion (ditto)
Mushrooms and some frozen mixed veg (the only things I didn't grow or make myself - this was a particularly self made chile - it's not always so.)

I soaked the beans, then cooked them.

I fried up the turkey and added in some trotter gear. 

Then since I didn't pre plan well, I added all to the frozen veggies and greens, tomato sauce and paste to the drained beans. All of it, plus the turkey, in one big pot, then add chili powder, dried crushed red pepper, whatever you like of spices and cook for about 1 hour or more.

Part way in, chop up some mushrooms and onions. Fry up the onions in some fat of your choice, and when the smell gets your mouth watering, add in the mushrooms and cover it up. Fry until the mushrooms darken and get a bit translucent, then add the lot into the rest of the chili.

It's done when it's nice and thickened up. Even better the next day.

Serve it up with sour cream and shredded cheese, add green onions if you like.

